Dear CASA Friends,
This month we have begun our exciting, new chapter with GLEC (Global Life Enrichment Center, Irvine Ca.) as CASA’s overseer and we would love to have you join us at a Chinese/English language live streaming and in-person event on July 31, 2021.
At the event, the children at our Kyrgyzstan schools will share with you how your support and prayers have made a difference in their lives. This will also be a wonderful opportunity for you to see and hear from staff and board members from MCCF, CASA and GLEC. If you would like to attend the event in person, to be held in Irvine, Ca., please send your RSVP by July 21st. More Information about the event is attached with this email.
We hope you’ll join us at this very important event, either in person or by live-streaming. Thank you very much for your faithful support. Together we are making Jesus’ name known in Central Asia and lives are changing for His glory.
With love and appreciation,
The CASA Board
親愛的CASA 之友,
在此分享會中您將可以聽到吉爾吉斯的兒童們分享您的支持及禱告在他們生命中所帶來的改變。您也可聽見教職員及MCCF、CASA 及普世豐盛董事們的分享。這次分享可以兩種方式參加,在南加卅地區的朋友可就近實體參加,而在其他地區的則可由網路直撥的方式觀看。請在七月二十一日前報名參加,事先報名者將贈送有吉國特色的小禮物。
祈 主愛永偕

