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CASA/GLEC April-September 2022 Newsletter

“I will give thanks to the Lord with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds.” –Psalm 9:1

To our dear supporters, We apologize for not sending an update on the ministry. During the summer the CASA Office went through some changes and is now back in full operation. Please note that our new mailing address and the phone number has changed. We appreciate your patience and understanding. The new information will be as follows:

CASA (Central Asia Sharing Aid)

2733 Atherton Lane Rockford, IL 61114 Office Number: 779-210-2640

New Director of Children’s Education

GLEC is excited to announce the new appointment of Mr. David Guan, as the Director of Children Education for Central Asia. David has been an integral part of GLEC’s Central Asia ministry. He established a Business as Mission (IMED) program to mobilize local Christian businessmen, and The Way to Success (TWTS) servant leadership program at IUCA. In his new role, David will help oversee the Mercy Foundation school’s operation and expansion including the budgeting and organizational structure of the MCCF team in Kyrgyzstan as the main contact person between the GLEC board and MCCF local team. He will also oversee the strategic expansion of the Gym and Learning Centers of Kyrgyzstan and its neighboring countries. We are currently raising funds to build the last gym for one of our Mercy Foundation Schools.

Our mission for your donations

Through your generosity and faithful support, we were able to provide a gym for each school, which has not only been used as an extension for educational purposes, but to also organize regular community and/or educational activities for pre-evangelism like Vacation Bible School/Awana. We hope to utilize the gymnasium as a community center, where the gospel of Jesus Christ is taught and shared with everyone that steps into this facility.

Would you consider helping us once again as we raise funds to build this gym for the school in Belovodsk? This is the only school in the Mercy Foundation program that does not have a gym for its student and community. Currently, the children at the school use the playground for PE when the weather is nice (photos above). Unfortunately, there is no pavement on the playground for organized sports, a place for track or jogging, and the equipment is very old and does not function properly to meet PE requirements. The indoor room that is used during the winter is also very limited with a low ceiling and can only accommodate 15 students at a time, which, as you can imagine, is very difficult when some classes exceed 20 students.

Below is a testimony from one of the students describing the endless possibilities a functional gymnasium can have on one’s life.

“I hope that construction of the new school gym will start soon. The thought makes me and the other students happy! Yay! There will be something new in our school! There will be new activities, sport clubs, Christian fellowship and concerts in our school. The new gym will attract new coaches and children from the neighborhood. School students will attend sport clubs together with children from all over the area which means we can build good relationships and become good friends with new children! With the new gym and sport sections, our school sports equipment will be updated too. The new equipment will give us more opportunities to develop physically and mentally. In general, a new gym will be beneficial to children’s health as well as the overall shape of a healthy lifestyle and relationships in the community. We’ve been patiently waiting for a long time already, but it’s never too late to build a new gym for the school. We all believe that with the construction and work of the gym, we will be able to see the transformation of our school and society become even better. “

Again, we appreciate any amount that you can send to support our mission to provide a gym for the Belovodsk school, children and community. You can send your donation online at click on the "Give" button at the top right corner. Please include the memo “Belovodsk Gym” to your donation.

May the Lord continue to richly bless you. Thank you for your continued love, prayers and support.



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Tel: 1-779-210-2640



2733 Atherton Lane
Rockford, IL 61114

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