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On June 2021, we began our exciting new chapter with GLEC (Global Life Enrichment Center, Irvine, CA) as CASA’s overseer and they presented a live streaming and in-person event on July 31, 2021. At the event, the children at our Kyrgyzstan schools shared how your support and prayers have made a difference in their lives. It was also a wonderful opportunity to see and hear from staff and board members from MCCF, CASA and GLEC. We hope that you will view this July 31st presentation via the Youtube video below.

2021 年六月我們與普世豐盛生命中心(GLEC)開始了一個新的里程碑。GLEC成爲CASA的監督。他們在今年的7月31日舉行了一場實體和綫上合并的分享會。在這場聚會中,我們在吉爾吉斯斯坦小學裏的孩子們分享了他們是如何的因著你們的支持和禱告而使他們得到一個不同的生命。這次的聚會也給了當地的同工以及慈善基金會,CASA和GLEC的董事們一個極美好的機會去彼此認識。我們盼望你能透過以下Youtube錄影去觀賞7/31的實況。

Together we are making Jesus’ name known in Central Asia and lives are changing for His glory!


Remembering our former CASA President, Myron “Butch” Rafferty

The month of September would have been Butch’s 78th birthday, we want to honor him for all that he has done to continue the work that Elder Yang, our CASA founder, have started. At Butch's memorial celebration, GLEC put together a wonderful memorial booklet about Butch's life and contributions to CASA, along with many memories of him, shared by family and friends. A few memories are shared below. We are deeply grateful to the Lord for Butch's leadership, generosity, commitment and love for the people of Kyrgyzstan. Butch's legacy will live on in the lives of all those he touched.

紀念 我們 CASA 董事會前任主席 Butch

九月本來是 Butch 的 78 歲生日,我們卻要來記念他是如何接續由楊長老所創辦的而開始的CASA事工。在Butch 的追思慶典中,GLEC印制了一本精美的紀念冊贈與他的親友們。在紀念冊中敘述了Butch的生命和他對CASA的貢獻,其中也有許多親友們對他的懷念之詞。以下是一些節錄。我們爲著Butch的領導能力、他的慷慨精神以及他對吉爾吉斯斯坦人民的愛和委身深深感謝神!Butch 的生命將永駐在那些他所接觸過的人的生命中。

Butch, Betsy & students

Sara HuYoung / Secretary of the Board, CASA

"Butch Rafferty was a humble person with a deep faith and commitment to God's call to missions. He was a man of few words, but a man of action. Butch was introduced to Elder Yang and CASA by his good friend Chuck Howard, the owner of Rockford Blacktop Co., where Butch worked for most of his career. Chuck and Butch, along with their spouses, often travelled together to Kyrgyzstan to support various mission projects, such as repairing and improving the Kemin orphanage, building playgrounds for the children and supporting the students, schools and staff. Butch joined the CASA board in 2011 and faithfully served the ministry until the Lord called him home. We are so grateful to Betsy Rafferty for sharing Butch's commitment and service to CASA.

Butch showed his love for others through his actions. When Elder Yang became wheel chair bound, Butch showed up at his house with plywood and tools to build a ramp in the garage so Elder Yang could be wheeled up to the door. In 2015,Butch and Elder Yang's son Sam went to Kyrgyzstan to bring Elder and Mrs. Yang home when Elder suffered a medical crisis. On the way home, Butch accepted Elder Yang's request to take over as president of CASA and faithfully served until he left this earth. During his tenure as CASA President, Butch poured his earthly treasures into the ministry. Whenever CASA had a deficit, Butch made up the deficits so the workers could get paid and the ministry could go on. He financially supported at least 50 needy students with scholarships to our schools, which was life changing for them. He did this quietly behind the scenes. Towards the end of his life, he sold his beloved farm and tractor collections, and used some of the proceeds to build a gymnasium for one of our schools in Kyrgyzstan. What an example and legacy Butch left for us! He will always be in our hearts."

Sara Huyoung / CASA 董事會秘書

"Butch Rafferty 是因爲對神的呼召服事有著極深的信心和委身的一位謙卑的人。他是一位有行動卻不多説話的人。Butch是由他的好朋友Rockford Blacktop Co.的持有人Chuck 的Howard介紹認識楊長老的。Butch曾在那個公司工作多年。Chuck和Butch以及他們的太太們經常一起到吉爾吉斯斯坦去支持一些服務事項目包括改建、維修Kemin孤兒院,為當地的兒童、學生、學校和員工們建逰樂場和維修等。Butch從2011年起加入了CASA董事會,一直忠心的服事直到他囘天家。我們也非常感謝Betsy Rafferty與我們一起分享Butch的委身和對CASA的服事。


Elena Poliakova / MCCF president and Butch’s friend

"The greatest gift I received from Butch was life lessons. He showed a wonderful example of hard work, dedication, loyalty, sacrifice, kindness, and a willingness to always help. I will miss his advices, encouragement and support. Butch was a wonderful man of a good soul and a big heart. He was dependable and always sincere. People say you have to live your life to leave a mark. I think everyone leaves a mark, but not everyone leaves deeds that have a long-lasting good effect. Butch was able to do a lot of good deeds, a lot of kindness, funds, and support through our projects for children, parents, and employees. It is possible to learn from such a person to live a worthy life itself and to have time to invest a lot in others."

Elena Poliakova / MCCF 主席,Butch 的朋友

"我從Butch 得到的最大的禮物就是生命的功課。他表現的是一個努力工作,忠心、奉獻、犧牲、仁慈、樂於助人的好榜樣。我將失去他的指教、鼓勵和支持。Butch真是一位有好的靈性和寬大心胸的極好的人。他總是非常真誠可靠。人説你必須活出你的生命而留下一個記號。我相信人是會留下記號,但卻不是每一個人能留下持久有好果效的事跡。Butch是能透過我們的許多計劃為孩子們、家長們以及員工們做許多的善事,投入許多的仁慈、基金和支持。能夠從這樣的一位長者學習活出一個有價值的生命而且有時間投資在許多人的身上是可能的。"

Butch, Elder Yang, Elena & MCCF staff

Susan Chou / General Director of GLEC

“Dear Butch,

Our most respected leader and beloved servant of God. I just want to represent GLEC to say Thank you Butch, for the example you had left to us. You worked with elder Yang fully committed to support, to help him to carry out the vision he received from God, and even after he was called back home, you took over the task, fully dedicated to keep it go on, what a friend, a true sincere friend you have been to elder Yang, and more than that you did it because you loved the Lord and students there. After GLEC was called by God to carry on the task, you stayed there, led us and encouraged our team to go on. Without your leadership and commitment we are not able to walk to this day. Thank you , Butch , I respect you and thank God for giving you to us to have such a precious opportunity to learn from you , to learn what is the real friendship , what is commitment , what is righteousness and faithfulness , and the true meaning of loving God , it is beyond what I can express with words to say thank you . Butch your good example shall strengthen us to keep going for the future of IUCA and Mercy Foundation. May God strengthen us.

You are with the Lord. I believe the Lord would give you the crown and the most precious words we all like to hear. Well done, good and faithful servant, enter into the joy of your master. And I am sure you would responded to what Jesus say: "I have glorified you on the earth, having done all the work which you gave me to do." (John 17:4)

Rest in peace dear friend. We love you and will miss you a lot.

May the Lord comfort Betsy and the family. Betsy, you been such a wonderful supporter to Butch, he always mentioned about you.”

周淑慧牧師 / GLEC 總主任


我們最敬愛的領袖和神所愛的僕人,我僅代表普世豐盛生命中心向您說謝謝您,Butch。你為我們留下如此的榜樣。你是如此完全的委身、支持和楊長老一起同工協助他去實踐他從神領受來的異象,即便在楊長老過世以後,你就接下了這個工作,完全的奉獻,持續下去。你和楊長老的這份友情是何等的珍貴。不止如此,也因著你愛神也愛那裏的孩子們。自從神呼召普世豐盛接下這個事工以後,你持續在那裏帶領我們,鼓勵我們的團隊繼續下去。若不是你的領導和委身,我們是無法走到今天的。謝謝你,Butch, 我敬重您也感謝神給我們這樣寶貴的機會向你學習,讓我們認識什麽是真正的友情,什麽是委身,什麽是公義和信實和神愛的真意。言語真是無法表達完盡我對您的感謝。Butch,你所留下的美好榜樣將是未來IUCA和慈善基金會持續成長的動力。願神加添我們力量。

你是在神那裏了,我相信神必賜你冠冕和那我們都想聽到的珍貴話語。忠心又良善的僕人,美好的成就,可以進去與主人同享喜樂。我也確信你會對主耶穌說 “我在地上已經榮耀你,你所託付我的事,我已成全了。” (約17:4)



Butch, Pr. Chou & GLEC staff

Victoria Egorova / IUCA graduate

"We used to introduce Myron Butch Rafferty as our American Dad. And he really was our dad and always treated us like family. He walked me down the aisle, he taught me how to drive, he showed me how to fish, he helped us move, he took us to some of his favorite places, he celebrated our achievements and was always there if we needed help. God must love us a little too much, because I don't know what we did to deserve having Butch in our lives.

His ministry changed so many lives, he was a blessing to many people in so many ways. I've never met anyone more generous and loving. When he would come to Kyrgyzstan, all the kids would run to him for hugs and say "our grandpa is here!" He was never a man of many words, he would rather express his love through actions. Even flying across the world, he would always look for ways to get himself busy with work.If there wasn't a job for him to do, you would always feel the disappointment. Butch was always incredibly calm and he would never lose his temper, and in the midst of the most stressful situations, the only thing he would say was "Unbelievable" - and that would be it. I still find it fascinating.

To say that he was loved by so many people would be an understatement, and to say that we all are going to miss him would be an even greater understatement. I know Thanksgiving is his favorite, but I hope he is having fun celebrating Easter with Jesus today.

Until we meet again..."

Victoria Egorova / IUCA 畢業生

"我們常介紹Myron Butch Rafferty 是我們的美國爸爸。他也真是我們的爸爸,對待我們就像家人一般。他帶著我走過長廊,教我如何駕駛,如何釣魚,他幫我們搬家,帶我們到他喜歡的地方去,他慶祝我們的成就。當我們有需要的時候,他總是在那裏。神必定是太愛我們了,因爲我不明白我們怎麽配得有Butch在我們的生命中。

他的服事改變了許多人的生命,他在許多方面祝福了許多的人。我從來沒有見過如此慷慨又充滿愛的人,每當他來到吉爾吉斯斯坦的時候,所有的孩子們都會奔跑過來擁抱他,喊著說:”爺爺來嘍!” 。他從不多說話,總是用行動來表達他的愛。即使在飛行世界之時,他仍然忙著找事做。他如果沒事做的話就會蠻失望的。Butch從不發脾氣,他總是出奇的穩重。即使是在非常緊張的情況時,他也只會說“不可思議”就這樣。我至今仍覺著迷。



Butch sponsored many IUCA students

CASA President George Hung, CASA Advisor Prof. Timothy Lin, Betsy Rafferty, and CASA Treasurer Tom Tzeng at Butch's Memorial Celebration

Butch's mother, Frances, reading her son's memorial booklet

Thank you, Butch. Your legacy of kindness and generosity will always be remembered and appreciated!

If you would like to read more excerpts from the memorial booklet, please click the link below.




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