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As Easter approaches, we’re grateful for our risen Savior and are reminded of His last words to the disciples and to us as His followers, to “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you…” (Matt. 28:19-20) Thank you for your faithful partnership with us, so we can continue to share Christ and mentor our students in Kyrgyzstan.

Please pray for our staff, students and their families and for Kyrgyzstan, as the country’s economy is closely tied to Russia and is negatively affected by the current sanctions. There are a million migrant workers from Kyrgyzstan to Russia and their jobs and pay will be affected. Please pray for believers to rise up and share Christ and give hope to the hopeless, and be the hands and feet of Jesus.

Last year, GLEC's Advancement Director, Steven Wu, met with some churches in the Midwest and East Coast, who have been faithful supporters of CASA. The purpose of Steven’s visit was to introduce CASA supporters to the partnership between Global Learning Enrichment Center (GLEC) and CASA. We are so grateful for the Lord’s continued guidance and provision through the leadership of GLEC so that CASA can continue to grow and thrive. Please read Steven’s article, as he share his thoughts about his visits to the various churches and the start of the Friends of CASA (FOCASA) ministry, to connect all supporters of CASA.

Steven with CASA office manager Esther Yang and Advisors

隨著復活節的臨近,我們感謝復活的救主,並提醒我們祂對門徒和我們這些跟隨者的最後一句話,"因此,你們要去,使萬民作我的門徒,奉父、子和聖靈的名給他們施洗, 教他們遵守我所吩咐你們的一切......" (太28:19-20)感謝您與我們的真誠夥伴關係,使我們可以繼續在吉爾吉斯坦分享基督並指導當地學生們。

請為我們的員工,學生及其家人以及吉爾吉斯坦禱告,因為該國的經濟與俄羅斯是緊密聯繫的,因著目前的情況而受到負面影響。 從吉爾吉斯坦到俄羅斯的移民工人有一百萬,他們的工作和工資都將受到影響。 請為當地的信徒們禱告,求神興起他們來分享基督,成為耶穌的手和腳,給這些絕望的人帶來希望。

去年,GLEC的拓展処主任Steven Wu去看望了一些在中西部和東岸的教會,這些教會一直是CASA的忠實支持者。 Steven此行的目的是向CASA的支持者介紹普世豐盛生命中心(GLEC)與CASA之間的合作夥伴關係。 我們非常感謝主藉著GLEC的領導,不斷的指導和供應,使CASA能夠繼續成長和繁榮。請閱讀附上的Steven短文一篇,他分享了他對這次訪問各個教會的感想和開始CASA之友(FOCASA)事工的想法,而能聯繫CASA的所有支持者。

Steven with CASA Advisors

Introduction of Friends of CASA (FOCASA)

My heart was filled with joy and awe after the visit to CASA supporting churches in Rockford, IL and Central Jersey late last year (Oct. 16-17 and Nov. 13-14, 2021). I was very thankful to learn the widespread passion and love for CASA ministry. Numerous encouraging testimony, stories and donors were mentioned throughout our visit. Every person and story was motivated by the love of Christ and Elder Yang’s zeal to evangelize in Kyrgyzstan through education. I feel so privileged to be among the army of faith and surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses (Hebrews 12:1).

After returning home, with overwhelming thanksgiving, I asked myself these questions:

(a) How can all churches be united to provide coordinated and effective support to CASA?

(b) How can we retain and capitalize passion and energy from many churches for lasting effect?

(c) How to build a sustainable support for CASA so that Elder Yang's vision can be preserved and carried on.

(d) How to build a platform for all churches to share, learn and encourage?

(Note: CASA stands for Central Asia Sharing Aid, a foundation established in US to support operations and fund-raising for children education ministry in Kyrgyzstan,)

Despite of my humble start (with less than a year in my current role to support Central Asia ministry), I feel the calling to share what's on my mind as God puts me in this position at this time.

With Friends of CASA (FOC), everyone has the chance to learn CASA’s situation in a timely manner. Further, churches can dialogue, fellowship or collaborate with like-minded partners without going out of the network. Through the platform, individual churches can make informed decisions by learning what other churches have done or consulting with those who are ahead of them. This is just one benefit for the peer learning model.

There are many other benefits such as data/resource sharing, combined mission trips, mission education, mission conference, missionary support/care, etc. Good ideas (or "best practice") can be freely shared among the group and mission work in all churches can be greatly enhanced. As a result, CASA gets constant attention and support through efforts from all churches.

The first FOCASA meeting was held on December 9, 2021. Thanks for many churches’ participation and sharing. We have also received a lot of ideas on how to organize the forum to better serve everyone. With regular communications and periodical meetings, hope everyone on this network will get most current ministry update along with experience sharing and encouraging testimonies.

My prayer for this new initiative is that all churches will be united under a God-given purpose, led by the Holy Spirit to carry the torch for our generation (as Elder Yang and many others had started the mission twenty years ago). Come join this exciting initiative by sharing your thought and insight. Let’s continue to build a platform to deliver valuable ministry information to all participants while supporting CASA’s need.

Feel free to call or write to me if you are interested to be included in this group.


Steven & CASA President George Hung with New Jersey supporters




(a) 如何使所有教会团结起来,一起配搭給CASA有效的支助?

(b) 如何保存和善用许多教会高度的热忱及活力,取得持久的功效?

(c) 如何為CASA建立持久的支援,使楊長老的願景能夠得到維護和實踐?

(d) 如何為所有教會建立一個能够分享、交流、學習和鼓勵的平台?


儘管我在中亞事工的資歷仍浅(在支持中亞事工的職位上仍未滿一年),然而神既然把我放在這個位置上, 我感到有感動將我的看法分享出來。

通過CASA之友(FOCASA),每個人都有機會及時瞭解其他肢體的情況。此外,教會可以與志同道合的夥伴們進行對話、團契或合作,無需離開此團體,就可得到許多的資源。 通過這個平臺,每個教會可以及時瞭解其他教會目前的事工,也可參考早先已投入此事工教會的經驗,做出明智的決定。這是伙伴相互學習模式的一個好處。



我為這個新倡議平台的禱告是,所有教會能在上帝賜予的目標下團結起來,因著聖靈的帶領,傳遞我們這一代人的火炬(正如楊長老和許多其他人在二十年前開始的使命一樣)。 我鼓勵更多人來加入這個激動人心的計劃,分享你們的想法及見解。同時讓我們繼續強化此平臺,提供有價值的事工資訊給所有參與者,並適時地支援CASA的需求。


祈 主恩永偕

Steven Wu (吳錫安)

Global Life Enrichment Center (GLEC)

Email: Phone: 614-257-9810

Steven with Illinois Supporters

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