First, let me introduce myself - My name is Victoria and I am the new C.A.S.A. marketing coordinator, and I will be the one sending the updates and newsletter to all of you :) I am so happy to join this amazing organization and there is a reason why I love C.A.S.A. so much - I am an IUCA alumnae! My husband, Andrei, and I currently live in Rockford, we both graduated with our MBAs from Rockford University. Andrei was also a graduate from IUCA and the Kara Balta school! So, as you see, we have a lot of personal experience with C.A.S.A. projects and I will be more than happy to share in detail about our experiences with those who are interested. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about C.A.S.A. or about me! I will be more than happy to share at:

Since our ministry relies on your generosity, we humbly ask you to continue partnering with us on a regular basis both by your prayers and by your financial gifts. We greatly appreciate your continued support. You can either send a general donation of any amount or you can send a specific donation to sponsor a class, students or orphans in our Christian schools, orphanages or the school for children with special needs. Thank you in advance for your faithfulness and generosity! 2016 Sponsorship Rates All amounts are in U.S. Dollars. $1035 per entire class/month $58 per student/month $115 per orphan or disabled child/month $2540 per IUCA student/year Please make your check payable to Central Asia Sharing Aid (C.A.S.A.) and send your donations to: C.A.S.A. 2254 Chenowith Court Rockford, IL 61107 Or
*Please, make sure to check "Share my mailing address with Central Asia Sharing Aid" when you donate online, so that we could send you your receipt for tax deduction.