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Updated: Apr 5, 2021

Happy Easter dear friends and supporters of CASA!

2020 has not been an easy year for many, but with your generosity and prayers, our ministry has continued to thrive. Our children at the schools and orphanages continue to receive quality education and care from our dedicated staff. Under the leadership of CASA’s local Kyrgyzstan Foundation, MCCF (Mercy Charitable Christian Foundation), our schools continue to operate in person classes when possible and remote learning during the height of the Covid-19 pandemic. Our MCCF staff continues to spread God's love through outreach programs in the local community, sharing food with needy families during the pandemic. One of these outreach programs is the Playground ministry, where the MCCF staff meet with students and parents, teaching various enrichment classes, such as guitar lessons and encouraging attendees with God’s Word. We are thankful that God allows us to minister to the children and their families during the pandemic.

Playground Ministry Testimony

“My name is Anastasiia, and I am one of 4 children in my family. My father lost his job because of the Corona virus outbreak, and my mother recently gave birth and is at home taking care of the baby. At the moment, we have a dire need for food to feed our growing family. I shared my concerns about the lack of food with the playground administrator, Ms. Lola. She was touched by my situation and shared this with the Mercy Foundation. The staff at the Foundation came and gave us a huge package of food! I am so grateful to God and to those people who helped us. Thank you! Since 2019, I have loved going to the playground, and have since taken guitar lessons. Even during the quarantine, I was able to continue lessons online and learned to play many songs. Through this class, I got to know about Jesus and now I have a relationship with God and I read the Bible. I am glad that He has changed me and answers my prayers.”

We are grateful to you for helping us reach the children of Central Asia! Your financial and prayerful support changes lives and helps us spread God's love in otherwise unreached areas.

Remembering a Loving CASA Board Member, Glenn Stockwell

It is with great sadness that we share the news that our faithful, long time CASA board member, Glenn Stockwell, went home to the Lord on January 21, 2021. Glenn was born in Anaheim, CA. and was one of the original cast members at Disneyland, CA. During his life, Glenn started his own construction company, worked in the aerospace industry as an engineer and had his own videography business. He met his beautiful wife Karen, from Illinois, when she visited a mutual friend in California. They married after a short courtship and have lived in the same home in Loves Park, IL for over 50 years. They are blessed with 2 children and 5 grandchildren. Glenn became a CASA board member in 2003, after he and other board members went to visit Elder and Mrs. Yang's ministry in Kyrgyzstan in 2002. He was there to produce informational videos for CASA, and the children at the schools and orphanages captured his heart. Glenn decided to join the CASA board and continued to assist in producing ministry videos, and in recent years, served as both Board treasurer and secretary. Karen was able to go to Kyrgyzstan in 2006 on Glenn's behalf, and also fell in love with the children there. We will miss Glenn's big smile, words of encouragement, always ready helping hands, strong faith and loving heart, funny jokes and stories about his wonderful family. Please keep his wife Karen in your prayers during this difficult time.

Collaboration with GLEC

If you have been following our updates, you will know that we started a partnership with Global Life Enrichment Center (GLEC) of Irvine, California in the summer of 2017. In 2019, GLEC became the overseer of IUCA (International University of Central Asia) and under their wise leadership, IUCA has increased student enrollment, spiritual mentoring, educational opportunities and career development for students. In June of this year, GLEC will also oversee the CASA office in Rockford and the MCCF Foundation in Kyrgyzstan. The CASA office will continue to operate according to the vision of its founder, Elder Yang and under the guidance of GLEC. We are excited for this partnership and you will hear more about this partnership from CASA board secretary Sara HuYoung, Elder Yang’s daughter, in the near future. We hope that you will continue to partner with us in prayer and support as we enter this exciting chapter.

Wishing you blessings of hope, peace and love as you rejoice in the miracle of Easter!

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